Extending LINQ Expressions

This post is part of the series. In case you missed other articles, they are listed below:

  1. #1: LINQ Expressions
  2. #2: Extending LINQ Expressions (current)

In the previous post we looked into what expression trees are and how they can be used. While this is enough most of the time, you may find yourself wondering if you can extend expressions. This might especially be the case if you are constructing expression trees directly via factory methods and you just need to pass some additional data which is relevant only for your application. In this post we will look into what is possible and how infrastructure handles extensions.

Why would you extend LINQ expression

In my particular case I was constructing expression trees from definition in our custom DSL (domain specific language). There is one generic type which has associated external metadata object with available members. Since type itself did not convey enough information I wanted to store this metadata in expression itself. This is why I started looking into how I can extend expressions.

Another case where this is used is Entity Framework translating logic. EF Core processes expressions in two passes:

  1. Process LINQ expression into normalized expression tree with objects resolved from model.
  2. Translate normalized expression tree into actual SQL query. This part is provider specific. Entity Framework defines some custom expressions which are used in normalized expression tree. For example there is ColumnExpression which contains data regarding reference to column.

Your first custom expression

First of all you cannot extend any of the built-in subclasses of Expression class. While those classes are public, all constructors are internal and there are also internal subclasses which are optimized for different usages. What you can do however, is create new subclass of Expression.

Let us implement expression which will produce answer to everything:

public class AnswerToEverythingExpression : Expression
  public override ExpressionType NodeType => ExpressionType.Extension;

  public override Type Type = typeof(int);

Property NodeType determines the kind of expression for specific class. For custom expressions this should always be ExpressionType.Extension. While you could put anything you want in there, there are some components (for example lambda compiler) which use this property to dispatch calls to appropriate methods and perform explicit casts. Those casts will fail if you use incorrect kind and you will get exceptions.

Property Type determines type of expression. This type is used when you are composing expression to expression trees to check if specific expression can be used as child of another expression. In our case, we declared that expression is of type int (we could use any type that can hold 42) and we can use it in all the places that accept int.

Overriding those two properties is enough to create valid expression class. While our class does not do much, you can use it in expression trees and you can visit it by overriding VisitExtension(Expression) method in ExpressionVisitor class.

What happens when you call compile on lambda expression

If you tried compiling lambda expression which contained AnswerToEverythingExpression node or tried visiting expression tree with this node without overriding VisitExtension(Expression) method, you will get ArgumentException: must be reducible node. This is because visitor has automatic infrastructure in place for handling extensions:

Let’s augment our AnswerToEverythingExression class so that you will not get exceptions:

public override bool CanReduce => true;

public override Expression Reduce()
  return Expression.Constant(42);

Now we defined that our custom expression is actually int constant with value 42. When compiler sees our extension it will reduce it to constant expression for which it knows how to emit appropriate IL. Similarly visitor without overriden VisitExtension(Expression) method will know how to visit this expression by reducing it to constant and visiting constant instead. One thing to note though is that type of reduced expression must be the same or assignable to the type of extension. Otherwise you have invalidated previous checks which were done when constructing expression tree and you will receive an exception.

Visiting custom expressions

If you create more than one custom expression it can quickly become cumbersome to check which one was visited inside VisitExtension(Expression). You can avoid that by creating infrastructure which will plug into default visitor.

First we need a new interface with visitor methods for each of our custom expressions:

public interface ICustomExpressionVisitor
  Expression VisitAnswerToEverythingExpression(AnswerToEverythingExression node);

Now we can enhance our AnswerToEverythingExpression class by overriding Accept(ExpressionVisitor) method:

protected override Expression Accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
  return visitor is ICustomExpressionVisitor customVisitor ?
    customVisitor.VisitAnswerToEverythingExpression(this) :

With this we can now implement this interface in our visitor class and each custom expression node will be visited in appropriate method without doing any kind of type checking and explicit casting. To further simplify your code you can create base visitor class with default implementation of your extensions:

public abstract class CustomExpressionVisitor : ExpressionVisitor, ICustomExpressionVisitor
  public virtual Expression VisitAnswerToEverythingExpression(AnswerToEverythingExression node)
    return node;

You can use this class as base class for all your visitors and override only required methods.

Transforming expression trees

Expression visitor can also be used to transform one expression tree to another. All visitor methods return expression which can be the same as received in argument or some other expression of the compatible type. Built-in expression visitor contains logic which will create new nodes when child expressions are changed. To support this, expression kinds with child expressions have Update method which accepts new child expressions, and returns new instance with children passed in and other parameters (such as method, or member) unchanged.

For example, let us check how Update method is implemented in MemberExpression:

public MemberExpression Update(Expression expression)
  if (expression == Expression)
    return this;
  return Expression.MakeMemberAccess(expression, Member);

Since all expressions are immutable (and yours should be too), we know just by comparing given object expression to the current if we need to create new instance. If they are the same, we just return current instance and avoid new allocation and cascading effect of creating new parent expressions. If they are different, we return new instance of MemberExpression with new object expression and existing member. This method is then called in ExpressionVisitor:

protected internal virtual Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
  return node.Update(Visit(node.Expression));

Visitor will call visit on child expression and then use return value as argument to Update method. It will then return resulting expression which will be the same if child did not change, or new instance if child has changed.

If you are creating complex expressions and you require transformation capabilities, you should implement the same logic in your expressions as well. This way existing and custom expressions will work as expected.

Just another tool in the toolbox

While you probably will not go creating new custom expressions in every one of your applications, I hope that I have shown you how you can implement them if needed. This can be especially useful if you are working with custom DSLs which are to be executed in .NET runtime. For me it was also an interesting topic about internals of LINQ expressions which I have often used but never really knew how they work.

Thanks for reading.
